If you travel to one of the larger cities in the Unites States, such as Chicago, New York, or even Las Vegas, chances are taking your own form of transportation along with you for the trip is just out of the question. In fact, many travel agents advise against driving your own vehicle while in these areas because parking can be an all out nightmare, not to mention expensive.
If you are accustomed to a more rural area, you may not have a lot of experience with relying on a taxi cab, such as AAA Green Cab & Airport Shuttle, to get around. This is the most reliable form of public transportation when you are in the city, and therefore, there are a few things you should know.
How do you get a taxi driver's attention?
Flagging down a taxi can be the most intimidating part if you are an inexperienced taxi passenger. If you are too shy about it, there is a good chance someone else will get the ride first. Stand at the curbside, not in the roadway, and raise your hand high so you are clearly visible and waive your hand when you see a taxi that is available. Never assume that a parked cab is waiting for a passenger and just jump in, as the driver could be on a break. It is best to ask before climbing inside.
What types of payment are accepted?
Most taxi drivers accept cash and credit or debit card as payment. Many cars are outfitted with a point-of-sale machine to use with a card. Keep in mind that it is customary to tip the driver for the ride, which should be anywhere from 15 to 20 percent. Furthermore, the taxi may not always have exact change if you pay for your ride with cash.
Will the driver know directions?
When you hop in a cab you may only know the name of the place where you want to go. In a lot of cases the driver will know exactly the place you are talking about. However, it is a good idea to jot down the names and addresses of your destination points beforehand just in case. This is especially true if you are going to someone's home or a place that is not widely known in the area.
Once you know how to take advantage of taxi cab services in the city, you will see why this is the most reasonable form of transportation. Taxis truly are the best way to get to where you need to go while you are in certain locations and will make your life as a traveler in the city much easier.